New Legislative Regulations for Residence Permit Issuance in Greece-56/7
The Ministry of Labour and Social Security recently introduced amendment 56/7, bringing significant changes to the legislation regarding residence permit issuance in Greece. The objective of the new regulation is to strengthen the workforce and ensure public order and safety.
Read moreΝέες Νομοθετικές Ρυθμίσεις για τη Χορήγηση Άδειας Διαμονής στην Ελλάδα με τη τροπολογία υπ’ αριθμόν 56/7 που ψηφίστηκε στις 14.12.2023: Ενίσχυση του Εργατικού Δυναμικού και Διασφάλιση της Δημόσιας Τάξης
Το υπουργείο Εργασίας και Κοινωνικής Ασφάλισης παρουσίασε πρόσφατα την τροπολογία υπ’ αριθμόν 56/7, εισάγοντας σημαντικές αλλαγές στη νομοθεσία για τη χορήγηση άδειας διαμονής στην Ελλάδα. Ο στόχος της νέας ρύθμισης είναι η ενίσχυση του εργατικού δυναμικού και η διασφάλιση της δημόσιας τάξης και ασφάλειας. Κύρια Σημεία της Νέας Ρύθμισης: Σύνδεση της Άδειας Διαμονής με την Προσφορά Εργασίας: Η νέα ρύθμιση θεσπίζει αυστηρούς όρους για τη χορήγηση άδειας διαμονής, συνδέοντάς την άμεσα με την προσφορά εργασίας. Η άδεια θα χορηγείται μόνο σε άτομα που διαθέτουν προσφορά εργασίας και θα ανακαλείται σε περίπτωση διακοπής της απασχόλησης.
Read moreGreek Government Introduces New Law to Combat Cybercrime
The Greek government has recently introduced a new law aimed at combatting cybercrime in the country. The new law comes as a response to the growing threat of cyber attacks and the need to protect citizens and businesses from the harmful effects of cybercrime.
Read moreGreece Implements Law to Regulate Cryptocurrency
Greece has recently implemented a new law to regulate the use of cryptocurrency within the country. The law comes as a response to the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, which have been gaining traction in Greece in recent years. This new regulation aims to provide clarity and guidance for businesses and individuals who are interested in using cryptocurrency in their transactions.
Read moreAdverse Possession in Greece: Understanding the Legal Requirements and Implications
Adverse possession, also known as squatter’s rights or prescription, is a legal concept that allows someone who has occupied and used a piece of land or property for a certain period of time to claim ownership of it, even if they do not have a legal title or deed to the property. Adverse possession is recognized in many countries, including Greece, and it can be a complex and controversial issue.
Read moreGreece’s New Law on Digital Governance: An Overview
On January 19, 2021, the Greek parliament passed a new law on digital governance, known as Law 4764/2021. The law is designed to modernize the country’s public administration and make it more efficient, transparent, and accessible through the use of digital technologies.
Read moreRegulating Remote Work in Greece: An Overview of Law 4785/2021
Greece has passed the new Law 4785/2021, which concerns the regulation of remote work. This law was passed in January 2021 in response to the significant increase in remote work due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Read moreLaw 4864/2021: Promoting Strategic Investments and Sustainable Development in Greece
In 2021, the Greek parliament passed a new law on strategic investments- Law 4864/2021, which replaces articles 10 to 29 of Law 4608/2019 that aimed at attracting foreign investment and stimulating economic growth in Greece. The law introduces a number of measures to attract investment and create employment, while promoting balanced and sustainable development across the country.
Read moreWhen is the tenant obliged to vacate the property after the expiration of the lease?
Is the lawsuit for rent payment is declared mandatory enforceable?
Often a tenant asks us, “The lease has expired, how long do I have to vacate the property?”
The answer has two sides, a legal one and a realistic one. The legal aspect is partly self-evident. On the day the lease expires – in “fixed-term” contracts, i.e., contracts with a predetermined duration (which we remind you are at least three years for primary residence contracts), the tenant is obliged to return the property to the owner. If the tenant continues to reside in the property, then the so-called “re-lease” takes place, and the lease becomes indefinite. This means that it can be terminated at any time with notice. The notice is “activated” at least fifteen days before the end of the calendar month. That is, if the owner initiates a “notice” and requests that the tenant vacate, the tenant must vacate on the date the notice is activated. These were the provisions of the law.
Read moreThe Changes to Mediation Law under 4640/2019
Mediation in Greece
Greek Law 4640/2019 was enacted on a date that followed almost a decade since the first appearance of the Institution of Mediation in Greece, and nearly two years after a previous legislative attempt that did not come into effect. The initial mediation Law in 2010, which was a translation of EU Directive 2008/52/EC, included the Code of Conduct for Mediators and Code of Ethics. The second attempt in 2018 amended the first mediation Law and introduced the concept of “mandatory mediation” for certain cases that were mediatable, including family, car accident, neighbor, financial, banking, intellectual property, and trademark cases. The new Law 4640/2019, which came into effect during a socio-economic crisis in Greece, is a milestone in the promotion of a complete and out-of-court dispute resolution system.
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