The procedural aspects of a trial face challenges due to digital evidence and its increased use.

February 17, 2023

Digital evidence sources are constantly evolving with technological advancements. There are three primary categories of digital evidence: the Internet, computers, and portable devices. Evidence obtained from the Internet includes information from online conversations, emails, message boards, chat rooms, file sharing networks, and intercepted communications. Message boards and chat rooms provide a wealth of information in real-time and in archives. Computers also contain a repository of information and require special extraction methods to obtain evidence. Although some information may overlap with Internet sources, computers offer unique and significant pieces of evidence such as timestamps, IP addresses, VPN information, and MAC addresses. Portable devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and other handheld gadgets, have become the primary source of digital evidence in many court proceedings due to society’s reliance on these devices. It is worth noting that digital evidence sources also include sensors and screens in vehicles, cameras, drones, smart TVs, and other devices.

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Can blockchain technology be used as a tool to tackle corruption in Greece?

February 17, 2023

In today’s digital age, it is imperative that governments and public institutions around the world undergo digital transformation, utilizing new technologies and data to develop innovative and efficient public policies. One such technology with a wide range of potential applications is blockchain, which offers the promise of more transparent and accountable processes and the ability to combat corruption.

According to the OECD, blockchain technology is a distributed ledger that records, stores, and provides access to digital transactions without the need for a central authority. Each new record in the blockchain is connected to the previous one using cryptographic methods, making blockchain records immutable.

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The New Rules for Greek Golden Visa in 2023

February 14, 2023

In September 2022, the Greek Prime Minister announced that the minimum investment amount for property acquisition for the Greece Golden Visa program would be increased from €250,000 to €500,000 in 2023, to help make real estate more affordable for Greeks. On December 21st, 2022, the Greek Ministry of Development submitted an amendment to parliament to raise the minimum investment amount to €500,000, which would only apply to certain areas of Greece.

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