The Changes to Mediation Law under 4640/2019
Mediation in Greece
Greek Law 4640/2019 was enacted on a date that followed almost a decade since the first appearance of the Institution of Mediation in Greece, and nearly two years after a previous legislative attempt that did not come into effect. The initial mediation Law in 2010, which was a translation of EU Directive 2008/52/EC, included the Code of Conduct for Mediators and Code of Ethics. The second attempt in 2018 amended the first mediation Law and introduced the concept of “mandatory mediation” for certain cases that were mediatable, including family, car accident, neighbor, financial, banking, intellectual property, and trademark cases. The new Law 4640/2019, which came into effect during a socio-economic crisis in Greece, is a milestone in the promotion of a complete and out-of-court dispute resolution system.
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